Tuesday 14 March 2017

Boho Style Or Boho Rings Represent The Concept Of Free Spirit

Have you ever rebelled against certain topic? I know nobody wants to answer this question but you will be surprised to know that according to some research, almost 99.99% people have rebelled at least once in their lifetime. Which means your parents have done it too, may be the reason your parent has rebelled was a valid one but the result is same. So, here I am going to share the story of my rebel against my parents, which I won as I convinced them that I am right. Don’t even dare to think that I am asking you to rebel. Just justify your point and try to convince people with logic. So where was I? Yeah, I was telling my story. So this story is about 5 years back when I was in graduation. I always loved wearing boho rings, as they were unique and I liked the variety of designs available in that category.

However, you know how parents are; they opposed my choice and said that these kinds of rings send wrong messages. I pulled off the ring and rotated to all side to see what is wrong with the ring but didn’t find any flaw. I tried to convince them but they stayed adamant about the discussion. And I being a teenager was stubborn to show them my side of logic so I started searching for the good things about these boho rings and you know what I searched an article about boho style or should I say Bohemian style. See if you are right then trying to put your reason with logics supported by proofs that it is indeed a right thing.

So the article said, “The word Bohemian is used to convey an attitude and style that says free-spirited. Bohemian is called boho for short, the Bohemian look is earthy and layered, with loose, flowing fashions and accessories that are often made from natural materials like linen and gauzy cotton, wood, stones, and leather. Woven items are popular and so are beads that are used in jewelry and to decorate purses, belts or anything else.”

I showed the article to my parents and told them that the designs don’t say or implement any bad culture instead it encourages good habits. It shows how to stay connected with the soil we are born in. and boom my parents were convinced about my sense of styling.

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